Sunday, 1 August 2010

Tonight in Bertrange

Esti bicajozás közben

Ez itt egy szürke gém akart lenni, de a dög megijedt és messzire reppent

Saturday, 22 May 2010

Saturday, 24 April 2010

Playground in Walferdange

Again, did it with the Pano app for iPhone - so far my best shot at creating a panorama picture

Thursday, 22 April 2010

La croccante

We returnrd after a nasty incident in March

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Kirchberg - panorama

Made with the Pano app for iPhone

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Plateau Kircberg

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Saturday, 10 April 2010


I'm thinking of buying a Polaroid camera for my daughter (2 yrs), she's very interested in pictures and my big Canon EOS-30. Course, she can't handle it and she can't see instantly the results, so having read an article about the renaissance of instant film cameras I thought about buying a classic Polaroid for her.

I know that you can pick up one of these very cheap on ebay, maybe the film is a bit more expensive - since Polaroid stopped making these - but I think it'd be so much fun for her to press the button and see the result immediately, in a form that she can grab and show to others and collect, etc. Very excited myself, too...

Monday, 5 April 2010

Mt St Michel

Easter trip with relatives to Mont St Michel and environs
This is Cancale - very famous for the local oyster

Mont St Michel itself - a beautiful sunny day. but very windy and very cold

The main tower of the abbey church

Another look on our last night

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Foggy morning, sunny day

Today is really a fantastic spring day, sunny warm and cheerful.

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Monday, 22 March 2010

Monday jog v.2

it's only 3 km, but better than nothing. considering that it was quite late for any exercise at all...

Thursday, 11 March 2010

Sunset in Mamer

From the parking of Belle Etoile

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Saturday, 6 March 2010

Saturday in Ostend

An early spring trip to Ostend - so early that it was FREEZING...
 There is Miki and Julia, running wild after filling themselves with fries...

Thursday, 4 March 2010


At the moment I work in this building

No i don't have a corner office, that's someone else...

And from 2012i'll work from here

It's a right mess at themoment, the excavation work just started in March, but saw the pictures, it'll be nice.

These are the existing two buildings (K1&2) of the court

Hey, did anyone notice the sunshine? In February we only had about 40 HOURS of sunshine, so the contrast now is surprising...


View from my window

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Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Ce matin est froid

This morning it was freezing again.

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